When I was in high school it was common to
hear someone say: “That person has good
vibes.” It was a compliment. ‘That person’
was emitting positive energy that could almost be physically experienced. Perhaps you have sensed this about certain
individuals in your life. Maybe you are one of those individuals.
Physicists have told us - in fact, Albert
Einstein said: “Everything in Life is
Vibration.” That’s everything! If we could visually
examine ‘solid’ objects around us - you know, objects like floorboards or
rocks, as well as the more malleable ‘solid’ objects such as our skin – on an atomic level – we would be able to
see that they are all vibrating! We are vibrating, and this undoubtedly
accounts for our intense attraction to music!
Navajo mystic Joseph Rael said: “Inner listeners,
or people who are continually listening to life as it unfolds, are true humans
because they are picking up vibrational messages
before the messages become crystallized energy or perceptual forms that can
then be articulated by the brain.
Sensitivity, then, is paramount in developing the ability to be a good
listener.” (Being & Vibration, Joseph
Rael with Mary Elizabeth Marlow, Millichap Books, 1993.)
Could not have said it better myself. Listening in the manner described by Joseph
Rael is precisely the state we need to achieve when we encounter the music of Bach
or Mozart or Beethoven or Chopin or Tchaikovsky or…
Joseph Rael also wrote: “Since people are
made of sound, (emphasis mine) listening is important. It is through listening that you become a
true human, and a true human is a listener who is constantly attuned by working
with everything that is happening.”
Perceptive listening, as opposed to merely
hearing, is not just essential for experiencing all the emotionally rich detail
that music contains. Listening is essential
for experiencing all that is life itself.

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